Sunday 6th May “Super Moon”

On Sunday the 6th May at about 1:00 PM AEST the Moon will be at full perigee (its closest approach to Earth at a distance of ~356,000 kilometers away), it will also be just past the point of full moon and the two coinsiding events result in a Super Moon.

So what does a Super Moon mean for us earthings? Does this mean massive storms, super tides that will flood our cities, riot as people go crazy from the full moon, warewolves attcking innocent people? No nothing quite that exciting, but if you get the chance to get out and have a look at the moon riseing or setting it will be a rewarding experience.

For those of us in Australia we will miss the exact time this happens as the moon will be below the horizon, however you can see the moon rise at around 5:00 PM and it should appear noticibly bigger than usual (in fact about 14% bigger and 30% brighter than normal).

Below is a video that explains the process and how these Super Moons come about:



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