Hi and thanks for stopping by, this site is dedicated to journaling my Astrophotography efforts and along the way hopefully helping others that are interested in the hobby too.

Firstly a little about myself; I am 36 years old and live in Sunny Queensland Australia with my wife and daughter. I work in IT and have always worked in technical fields so my hobbies have always been technical in nature. I have always had a keen interest in Astronomy but unfortunately over the years never really took the time to stop and admire the stars, which is a shame as there is sooooo much to admire and learn.

This all changed early last year my wife purchased me a telescope for my birthday. WOW!!! I just could not believe what I saw and was instantly hooked, my poor wife had accidentally opened a can of Astronomy worms and since then I have thrown myself  into the hobby of astrophotography so I can share these marvelous miracles of the universe with others (without having to drag them out in the middle of the night in the cold to show them 🙂 ).

12 months on and I have a reasonable level of equipment (and skill) and have started to get images I am proud to show others so here I am writing this web site so you can enjoy and learn from my experience. I can’t express enough how wonderful astronomy is and encourage everyone to get out and have a look at the stars through a telescope at least once.

So where to start? there are literally dozens of clubs out there that are more than happy to show others their telescopes and help you see and understand the night sky, I would encourage you to google your local club and find out when they next meet to see if you can go along. I am a member of the Brisbane Astronomical Society and we frequently visit Mount Cootha in Brisbane for public viewing nights to share our passion with others, if you’re in the area come along and have a look, just check out the Calendar of Events and show up on the night :).

Anyway enough about me, take a moment to enjoy some of the images I have taken and check back soon to see what I have photographed next.

