Trying to appreciate the size of the Universe

I am often asked how big things are in the night sky and I have always struggled with a good explaination as it really is difficult to visualise and explain. Well I think I have found the solution (no it’s not a worm hole or warp speed travel to go and see these things) and it comes in the form of some very well presented video’s from Khan Academy (

They have a range of video’s delving into topics such as Math’s, Finance, the Sciences and even cosmology, the ones I have seen so far were excellent for putting into perspective on the scale of objects in our Universe.

Specifically there is a 5 part series and it has the following films available for viewing:

I also saw a link to a “Hubble Image of Galaxies” video and it too was fantastic, I will definitly be watching all of their video’s when I get some spare time.

I hope this helps explain the scale of the Universe a bit better as it truly is an enormous place. Well enormous doesn’t really do it justice so perhaps: (takes deep breath) gigantically massive, enormously tremendous, Herculean, brobdingnagian, colossal, gargantuanly huge, immensely mammoth, monsterous, prodigious, stupendous, super-colossal, titan, vast, a whopping large place …………………………..)

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