Central DS CDS-600D Dark Frame Comparison

Hi Everyone,

As I posted earlier I have purchased a Central DS CDS-600D camera, well this arrived on Friday so I could not wait to give it a test run. As always as soon as you buy a new toy the clouds roll in and ruin your fun. Instead I decided to do a dark frame comparison of two of the same model camera (one modded and one standard).

I have done two tests: one at ISO 1600 and the other at ISO 400 both for 10 minutes, the Central DS Camera had the cooler running naturally and the Standard 600D Camera was just that! running standard, the ambient temperature was the same for both tests as I had the Air Conditioning running at 23’C so the house could be considered a constant.

I have taken the images and blown them up to 200% and taken a copy and pasted them side by side for comparison and labelled accordingly (No stretching or manipulation at all of the image these are what came direct off the camera).

One thing not so obvious is the temp increase on the standard camera, I did the ISO1600 and then straight away the ISO 400 tests on a camera so the ISO 400 shot was after the camera had been running for 10 minutes already, the temp sensor in the Central DS Camera added only 1’C after 20 minutes continuous exposing, the EOS 600D added 7’C after the 20 minutes exposure time.

Anyway I think the images attached speak for themselves, I was very please to see the difference and cannot wait to get the camera under the sky and take some images. Cheers Anthony

2 Responses to “Central DS CDS-600D Dark Frame Comparison”

  • John says:

    Excellent results and thanks for taking the time to conduct the tests

    • Anthony says:

      Hi John,

      Glad it was of help, I have had this camera now for nearly a year and have to say I am very happy with it, easy to use and quite sensitive with the filters removed. It simply does what it is supposed to time after time.



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