Skywatcher EQ8 Mount Review

Hi Everyone,

I am sure a lot of you are keenly watching for any updates on the EQ8 mount from Skywatcher as we are getting ever closer to that elusive March 2013 release date. Well I just stumbled across this video from Astronomy and Nature TV who have done a great close up overview of the EQ8 Mount at the European Astrofest in London and thought I would share it with you.

Suggested in the video is the fact that the Visual Payload for the EQ8 is per the stated atĀ 50 KG as released to date, however in this video they have also indicated the Astrophotography payload is more like 35 KG. I can’t verify this naturally but thought it note worthy at the least.

I also found it interesting that Astronomy and Nature TV have advised there is no indication on pricing, I do have to wonder then how theĀ Australian distributors have set prices for the EQ8 if this has not been set by the manufacturer already and wonder if there is something else going on here????

Seems strange to me as you should be able to look at a price and perform a simple currency conversion to get a reasonably close guestimate of what to expect for pricing. Given Bintel in Australia have these for $4,449.00 you should be able to get a good idea on price for your country.

Anyway here is the video:



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