Skywatcher EQ8 Delayed till May

Hi Everyone,

Looks like the Sky Watcher EQ8 mount has been delayed till May 2013 in Australia, not sure if this is delayed by technical issues or what??? but hopefully for those that have ordered one they won’t be disappointed again come May, time will tell. I have on reasonably good authority that there have been 8 EQ8’s scheduled to reach Australia in May and all of these have now been ordered, I don’t unfortunately have any details about the second round of units being shipped??? so if you are looking to get one you may have a wait on your hands.

On a positive note I did fine a PEC recording from an EQ8 kindly posted by Tommy Nawratil of They also have some great video reviews (not in English of course) but still worth watching.

If I read this correct it appears to be quite good but I must admit I do not know what all of the details mean in the real world, from my estimate on the chart the Periodic Error for the EQ8 is around 7-8 arc seconds peak to peak. This is very good if it proves to be a smooth curve and no random jerks or bumps.

If anyone can comment on this I would be interested in their thoughts???




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