Dark Sky Night 10th August 2013

Hi Everyone,

August being one of the coldest months of the year for us in South East QLD it really is our best opportunity for imaging and viewing for the year. This night in particular was a little special as I couldn’t take the time off work to attend the 2013 QLD Astrofest and I really wanted to get my monthly fix of Astro Imaging in.

I popped up to Blackbutt in August with some friends and had a very pleasant evening as usual with one little difference, the night was a 10 out of 10 for viewing “all night” with pristine clear skies and no clouds to be seen at all. It really was a ripper. The whole week was a great week but I won’t dwell on the fact I missed most of it.

Anyway, I managed to get a nice shot of the Andromeda Galaxy on my new camera and am really pleased with the results, Josh also managed to get a lovely wide field shot of Scorpius.

Taken with an EQ6 Mount, Megrez 90 APO Refractor, Central DS600D and Guided with a Zenith Star 70mm APO and Loadstar guider. 56 Minutes of data at ISO 400.

Taken with a Standard Canon EOS 600D, on a Vixen (I think its a Super Polaris Mount) with RA Drive, and the Standard 18-55mm Canon lens at 18mm. 84 Minutes of data at ISO 800

For anyone interested in a comparison of the Cantral DS Image of Andromeda to a Standard Canon EOS 600D, here is the old image I took last year (2012), and I will admit my processing skills are better now. I still know the result on the Central DS camera are that much better to work with.

I hope you enjoyed the images.




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