Astrofest Images

Hi Everyone,

As you know I attended the QLD Astrofest 2012 this year and managed to get some images. I did have some challenges with my mount as it was sticking a bit when tracking, this lead to many an hour of frustraions fixing, but I did in the end over come the problem.

While there are some more images to come below are some of the better ones I took. M20, M16, M33 and M31. M33 and M31 are new images for me and I am quite happy withthe result, I have redone M20 and M16 as these were taken through a GSO RC8 Carbon Fibre Telescope (Leant to me while at Astrofest) this is a much higher focal length scope than my William Optic Megrez 90 mm one (it was however a bit out in collimation).

Trifid Nebula through a GSO RC8″ Scope

Eagle Nebula through a GSO RC8″ Scope

M31 Andromeda Galaxy through my Megrez 90 mm Scope

M33 Trangulum Galaxy through my Megrez 90 mm Scoep

I hope you enjoy.



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