Archive for the ‘Galaxies’ Category

The Sombrero Galaxy (M104)

Another image I managed to take at the BAS weekend club event was the Sombrero Galaxy. This image was taken on Saturday 20th May 2012, at around midnight at Hazeldean QLD, Australia. The seeing conditions were about an 8.5 /10. I used my Canon EOS 600D DSLR to take the image and the exposure times were as follows: Read the rest of this entry »

My First Image of a Galaxy (NGC4945)

Well as you probably know I am a member of the BAS and we have regular club events out at Hazeldean once a month. This month was a particularly good event with a great turn out of both BAS and SEQAS members so all up around 25 Telescopes and 40 – 50 people gathered. I thought I would take the opportunity to try my first image of a Galaxy and see how it turned out.

This image was taken on Saturday 21st April 2012, at around 10:30 PM in Hazeldean QLD, Australia. The seeing conditions were about an 8/10 as there was a lot of moisture in the air, this was still pretty good considering rain was forecast :).

I used my Canon EOS 600D DSLR to take the image and the exposure times were as follows:

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