Archive for the ‘Nebula’ Category

M16 Eagle Nebula

This months BAS Club event was a particularly good event with a great turn out of both BAS and SEQAS members it was almost difficult to find a patch of dirt to set up on :). This time around and given it was such a good evening I had several targets in mind and some I was told about while I was there.

This image was taken on Saturday 20th May 2012, at around 11:00 PM in Hazeldean QLD, Australia. The seeing conditions were about an 8.5/10 as there was a lot still some moisture in the air and the light pollution from Brisbane was still very visible. There was a forecast for rain so we were still quite lucky.

I used my Canon EOS 600D DSLR to take the image and the exposure times were as follows: Read the rest of this entry »

M20 (Trifid) and M8 (Lagoon) Nebula

M20 (Trifid) and M8 (Lagoon) Nebula 11th Sept 2011

This image was taken on the 11th September 2011 from my front Drive in Brisbane so was affected by light polution. I cannot remeber all the details of the images taken on this day or how I processed it, but I definitly over cooked it when stretching the histogram and colours (in fairness to me I was just learning how to do this).

One day I will go back and reshoot this target again with alot more time and a much darker sky.

For more images of our solar system have a look here: Nebulae