Archive for the ‘Solar System’ Category

Our closest Star

Hi Everyone,

I was playing around with my home made Solar filter (will write up an article soon) and couldn’t wait to get a happy snap so shoved it on my Megrez 90 with Camera in toe and took some shots of our nearest star, these were taken with the telascope sitting in my lap with the Canon EOS 600D live view to help focus and aim, I was pretty happy with the results considering how awkwardly I was sitting.

looks like I am almost ready for the Venus Transit on the 6th June 2012.

Hope you enjoy

Jupiter Again

Jupiter 22nd October 2011

I thought I would go back and try Jupiter again and see if I could get the moons this time, this was taken with my WO Megrez 90 Scope again from my front drive in Brisbane. This was taken using my Canon EOS 600D Camera in HD video mode and stacked with Registax. As you can see between the image taken on the 11th and the one taken here the differences in the F Ratio of the telescopes and the field of view. The MAK127 is an F Number of 11.8 and the Magrez 90 has F6.3 so a much wider field of view on the Megrez 90.


Jupiter 11th October 2011

This is my first attempt at imaging Jupiter, this was taken with my MAK127 Scope and was taken on the 11th October 2011, again from my front drive in Brisbane. This was taken using my Canon EOS 600D Camera in HD video mode and stacked with Registax. You really do need a large scope for planetary imaging with a long F Ratio (say F10) to get in nice and close to the planets.

Very First image through a Telescope

Moon – 17th August 2011

My Very first attempt at imaging was from my front drive in Brisbane, what better a target when a begginer than the moon. :), big and bright and very easy to capture. I was tatally thrilled when this was stacked and processed.

I can’t remeber the specific details of how I did this but it was a simple stacking of images (from 15 seconds of video extracted to jpeg files) stacked in Registax 6

For more images of our solar system have a look here: Solar System