CDS-600D Rosette Nebula

Hi Everyone,

It’s been a while since I have had time to post much and definitely not much happening in the Astrophotography area at the moment due to the almost constant rain we have had here in Brisbane Australia.

However one thing I did manage to do earlier in March after I got my Central DS CDS-600D camera was to take a snap of the Rosette Nebula. This was more of a test than anything else as it was from my backyard and the moon was out if memory serves me correctly. I really just wanted to see how much better at capturing Ha the CDS was over a standard EOS Canon.

The good thing about this comparison is they are essentially the same camera; a Canon EOS 600D, one standard the other modified by Central DS so it gives you a good comparison of the difference a filter mod can make to a camera (Note these were taken via the same telescope on the same mount etc.).

Anyway to show the comparison here are two shots, the first one was 1.2 hours of data (7 * 10 minute subs) on a standard EOS 600D DSLR in a good dark sky site, the second image is 10 minutes (2 * 5 minutes subs) on the CDS-600D with an Astronomik CLS-CCD filter in Brisbane suburban light pollution. Needless to say I was stunned by the results.

Hope you enjoy and I hope this encourages readers to consider stepping into modded DSLR or dedicated Astro camera areas, the difference is amazing.



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