Dark Night Sky 11-05-2013

Hi Everyone,

I wasn’t sure how this weekend was going to be in South East Queensland as all the weather reports said there was rain and cloud, however Skippy Sky said all would be clear for the first half of the evening so I thought I would give it a go. Well I am glad I did as I was blessed with a clear night, this time I had some company of a work colleague that wanted to come along and see what all the fuss was about. It was his first time seeing through a telescope and had a good look at Saturn and instantly became hooked, this promptly followed by how much do you think it would cost to gat a scope and mount etc. etc.???? It was great to see he had a good time.

As we enjoyed a good clear night, several Bundy Rum’s and good conversation we managed to squeeze in some imaging as well, this time I was keen to get some images of the night sky in wide field (thanks to Chris for lending me his 10-22mm Canon Lens) and think they came out quite well.

I hope you enjoy the next round of images, some are repeats but I think I am getting better as I go.



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