Dark Night Sky 20/04/2013

Hi Everyone,

I finally got an opportunity to get out to Blackbutt and do some imaging, this was not the new moon weekend so I had to wait for the moon to set around 12:30 AM but once it set the night really opened up and was one of the best I have seen before.

This evening I was testing out some new equipment I have purchased recently (GSO RC8 Astrograph and the Orion Deluxe Off Axis Guider, as we well as the Central DS CDS-600D), these have been sitting at my house since earlier in the year not getting any use. When I get a chance I will do a write up, but in the mean time here are some images I managed to take:

M20 (Trifid Nebula)

M8 (Lagoon Nebula)

M83 (Southern Pinwheel Galaxy)

Last but not least I took some time lapse shots on my standard DSLR with a Canon 10-22mm Lens.


I hope you enjoy.




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