I really wanted to get close up images of galaxies and smaller objects such as planetary nebula without having to crop my images to the point where they would become grainy. The only way I could achieve this was with a longer focal length telescope to narrow the field of view. So I recently purchased a GSO Ritchey Chretien 8″ telescope second hand. This provides a much narrower field of view and allows me to take those shots of galaxies etc. and have them fill almost the full frame. I use the term narrow field loosely here as the Ritchey Chretien is by nature of it’s optics a wider angle of view for a given focal length, however when compared to my refractor it has a much narrower field of view.

A few details about the scope,

  • 200mm f/8 true Ritchey Chretien -hyperbolic primary and secondary mirrors.
  • low thermal expansion quartz Mirrors.
  • Carbon fibre tube.
  • Heavy duty 2″ linear Crayford focuser.
  • D-Style wide and Vixen dovetail mountings.