Presentations from Astrofest

Hi Everyone,

As mentioned in a previous post I was asked to do some presentations for the Astrofest, these were well received by those that attended and thought I would post here if anyone wanted to review them.

Autoguiding – Beginners Guide To

Autoguiding – Deep Dive Into

I hope these are of benefit to you and help with your guiding endeavours.



One Response to “Presentations from Astrofest”

  • Hi Anthony,

    I saw your post in the EQMOD yahoo groups and wanted to congratulate you on a fantastic power point presentation! You have covered a complicated topic and made it simple for beginners. I would like to ask permission to post a copy of the presentation at I’m one of the moderator there and would like to share your work with our members. Naturally credit will be given to you for your work.

    Thanks again for your great work.
    Gordon (ghswen)

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