QLD Astrofest 2012

Well it feels like a distant dream now from my great trip to the Queensland Astrofest 2012. I was so looking forward to it that I had my leave booked in for the event from February this year and simply could not wait for the 10th August to get here; as I don’t own a time machine yet I just had to be human and wait.

Well the 10th did arrive just as the sun rises each day I was ready with the car packed literally to the roof (in fact it was so full the tent was strapped to the roof racks on top). It’s quite a drive (about 2.5 hours from Brisbane) so I was a little worried I might get there less the tent, but I made it without issue.

On my arrival at Camp Duckadang at around 10 AM there were just a few scopes set up that belonged to the Astrofest committee members and those who arrived earlier than me (Eager beavers).

I did the usual registration etc so all that was left to do was get set up. As I was there quite early I was lucky to get the one of best spots in the Telescope field and plonked myself slap bang in the middle.  Unloading all my boxes was followed by many hours unpacking equipment setting up tents guessing where I thought true south was and balancing all my gear checking it was all plugged in and everything was talking to the computer, I was all set and just needed to wait for the sun to set.

As sure as the Sun came up it also set and as those last rays of sun light licked the western sky “it was on”. The start of 9 blissful nights of imaging, talking, drinking and hanging out with fellow astronomers, how could life get any better?

Well it did, I was lucky enough to have my wife and daughter visit on the weekends and we all had a great time (well I had a great time, I think my wife wanted some extra stars in the accommodation package, not so many stars in the cold night sky LOL).

All in all it was a great time and I think the event was enjoyed by all. I am still amazed by the generosity and friendliness of the Astronomy community! Admittedly it was almost an Ice In Space Party as almost everyone knows everyone via the forums but it was great to put faces to names and have a few laughs along the way.

Amazingly I was fortunate enough to be leant a GSO RC8 Carbon Fibre Telescope just because I mentioned I was looking to buy one (Thanks JJJ, J you’re a jem, I’m still waiting to get a copy of the Best of the Fest Sound track).

Astrofest has a great array of daily events, as well as enjoying the counter weight toss, the Astro quiz and water rocket competition for kids I was lucky enough to be asked to do some presentations while I was there, I hope these were of benefit to those that attended and I will pop the files up on this site for people that are interested in downloading them.

I won’t babble on any longer but as you can see I had a great time and will definitely be going again next year. I think it a good opportunity to thank the Astrofest Committee, the care takers of Camp Duckadang (Anne and Bill) for the venue and the fantastic food and Sarah Sweet for taking time out from her research to present to the Astrofest crowd.

The only thing I will do differently next year is make sure I get far more raffle tickets as there were some great prizes on offer from the vendor sponsors.

If you want to get more information keep an eye out on the Astrofest web site at http://www.qldastrofest.org.au/

As far as images, as soon as I have finished processing them I will post some of my images for you to see.



4 Responses to “QLD Astrofest 2012”

  • Suzy Webb says:

    I didn’t make it again – just too much of a woos Anthony!
    I hope you’re still having fun with Nettie’s scope 🙂

    • Anthony says:

      Hi Suzy,

      It was a wonderful time at Astrofest this year and great imaging nights. I have upgraded to a 10 RC this year so the RC8 has found a new home but served me well over the years.

      Hope to see you at Astrofest 2016 🙂


  • Suzy Webb says:

    I absolutely loved reading this Anthony- thank you! LOL I think Nettie will get a buzz too for the thankyou! I’m a fellow IceInSpacer 😉 I just happened to be Googling stuff on AstroFest and this came up. So far I’ve been too much of a woos to come out there in Winter (I’m only from Brisbane). brrrrrrrrrrr!!!

    • Anthony says:

      Hi Suzy,

      It was a fabulous time at Astrofest, I missed the 2013 event due to work but have already put my leave in for 2014 and can’t wait. It definitely gets cold out there so bring your thermals, I will be making sure my family have warmer gear this time round. For us folk in SEQ it is the best time of the year to be imaging/viewing so well worth fighting the cold to go.

      I ended up purchasing the RC8 scope from Nettie so it turned out to be a try before you buy experience, but well worth it as I love that scope.

      I hope to see you at this years Astrofest 🙂



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