QLD Astrofest 2015

Hi Everyone,

Well I am back from my trip to QLD Astrofest 2015, it was great year this year with very little dew, no fog and no clouds so everyone was very tired at the end of the 10 days (a good sign people were busy gathering photons 🙂 ).

I have processed a couple of images from my time there and even stretched myself a little and tried a mosaic of Rho Ophiuchi that turned out far better than I could have hoped for.

I also have some more images to finalise and will post them as soon as I get a chance along with the steps I used to process them.

Rho Ophiuchi Mosaic


Fornax Galaxy Cluster

Star Trails

Looks a little funny one screen so best to download to view properly

I hope you enjoyed the images.





One Response to “QLD Astrofest 2015”

  • Sophie Grimshaw says:

    Hi, I love the images. They are really amazing, do you have anymore because these images are from 2015 (5 years ago) have any new cameras?

    – your daughter

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