The Skywatcher EQ8 has landed

Hi Everyone,

An exciting week here in Australia as the long awaited SkyWatcher EQ8 has finally hit the shores and many who ordered one have taken delivery already. There are many new pictures (of various quality) can be found of the mount and it does look like the images I have posted earlier in the year just prior to release were pretty close to the final product. These newer images can be found here: 

This truly is a big mount and will not likely be for everyone, I have heard from many taking delivery that the weight fully packed is 120KG and needs to be from a lifter truck as it ships on a pallet. Again this is a very big mount. If you are looking for more of a portable option then the AZ-EQ6 Goto is the better option.

For myself as much as I would love to run out and get one (there is reports of a small number still available in stores) I need to have some hard evidence they are actually what they are chalked up to be and for that I need reports back on their actual performance under the stars, not much point lugging around 120KG of mount if you still get egg’y stars at the end of the night.

Unfortunately for all of us the posts and pictures in the forums all appear to be a bit “look at my mount”, “Look!! I have one of the first” type of school yard behaviour and hype. No one has actually posted any early reviews on build quality smoothness of operation ease of construction etc. etc. (Apart from those in the EU Zone that had the pre-production units to test) which really is disappointing. The community at large is watching with baited breath to get opinions and feedback before they too take the plunge and buy one. Not everyone enters into a $4,500.00 investment without knowing what they are getting prior, those that can afford to need to share their thoughts.

Well luckily toady I have been invited down to AstroPete’s at 3:00 PM as they are unveiling the new EQ8 Mount for anyone there to see in the flesh, take photo’s and touch and feel. While I won’t be able to get any “real” PEC data at this stage I am hopeful to get a good review of first thoughts of an actual post production unit that has been sold to a customer.

With any luck I can give you my thoughts and opinions of a fresh unit being unpacked and set up and get my hands on it for while to have a play. More to come…….



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